
Staying in our homestay accommodation

  • 'I lived with the family of Betty and Russell. They are really nice and Betty cooked very well. Every dinner was something special. They have a very beautiful garden.'

    Ekaterina, 17
    St Petersburg, Russia

  • 'In my host family is a lovely little boy of 3. I love playing with him! My host mum is so nice and always worries about me. I would love to return next year!'

    a 17 year old student from Zarautz (Guipuzcoa) Spain

  • 'In England, I had an unforgettable memory. In my host family, they treat me like their own kid. In school, I could always get help when I had any questions. Thanks.'

    Yang, Chih-Ning
    Student, Taipei, Taiwan

  • 'My host family are really kind people who make a lovely atmosphere around us. My host Mum, Kelly, is very friendly and I enjoy speaking with her.'

    Liza, 16
    A student from St Petersburg, Russia

  • 'Our host father eats with us and we appreciate it very much because we can have many interesting discussions with him. The food is really good.'

    A student from Le Mans in France

  • 'My host family were the nicest and best people in the world!'

    A student from Warsaw, Poland

  • 'My host family is very sympathetic and my Mum helps me with my English. I enjoy her food and she always asks me about my personal preferences.'

    a student from St Petersburg in Russia

  • 'My host family is friendly and kind and the teachers are very encouraging. I have used my English to communicate with people from so many countries. I love Norwich!'

    Li Zhihan
    Wuhan, China

You will love our homestay accommodation because you can:

  • Speak English in a relaxed, homely environment
  • Hear English being spoken
  • Pick up new vocabulary and pronunciation
  • Taste English food
  • See everyday life in an English home
  • Get in touch with British culture


Accommodation to school:

  • Walking – 1-17 minutes
  • Car – 5-35 minutes
  • Bus – 10-55 minutes
  • Average time – 25 minutes


New Hosts Required for 2024
– please click here for more information

Staying with a local host is an unforgettable cultural experience. Many of our hosts have been working with us for a number of years, and they enjoy meeting students from around the world.  Homestay hosts are ready to welcome you to their home and be your family while you are in England.

During your time in our homestay, you will have the chance to experience British culture, different English accents, learn phrases and idioms and taste traditional British dishes. You will participate in everyday life, practising your English with your hosts.

All of our hosts provide 3 meals a day, including a packed lunch.  Homestay hosts will provide clean bedding, towels and general washing of clothes on a weekly basis.

We are committed to selecting the host for you. This means that most personal requirements can be met. Our Accommodation and Welfare Officer organises visits every two years to ensure a continued high standard of homestay accommodation.

Welfare and Safety

  • Accommodation and Welfare Officer
  • Liaison with homestay hosts to ensure personal needs are met
  • 24 hour emergency contact with school
  • Safeguarding Policy
  • Clean bedding, towels and weekly clothes washing.


So, what do our existing hosts have to say?

'We always enjoy hosting students and finding out about their home and family. It is great to see the progress they make with their English and confidence in the time they spend with us. We are still in touch with many of the students who stayed and are pleased to be able to offer a warm and inviting home for their time in England.'

Anna and Sham Golamy Host family

‘My whole family enjoy hosting different students from various countries and cultures. My children benefit from the long-term friendships and meets. My family learn so much from the different nationalities, including their foods, travels and ways of life. Many friendships have been made and one student is, in fact a Godmother to my Granddaughter.’

Sue Wymer Host

'I enjoy being a host to international students. It’s a great opportunity to learn a little about another culture and perhaps some new customs. It’s also great to show our wonderful British customs and values. I always care for the students as I would want my own children cared for if they were visiting another country and living in homestay accommodation. It can be a rewarding experience when you know you have given the students a lifelong memory of their time in Norwich.'

Beth Clements Host

‘We love having international students staying with us and being part of our family. Being in our home gives them the opportunity to improve their English, which for us is very rewarding when you know you’ve been part of that journey. They enjoy sharing information about their families, schools and countries, which we love to hear. Hosting has broadened our horizons as we have been lucky enough to visit many of our past students in their own homes in Thailand, Spain and Italy. We have lots of fun and plenty of giggles which makes the experience unforgettable. We absolutely enjoy every minute.’

Julie and Kim Tipple Host family